Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to Use a Rivet Gun

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Caring for Your Plants

by: Janeth Duque

One of the best things you can do to save money on your landscape is to properly care for your plants. This is very important to keeping a healthy yard and an attractive landscape. If you properly care for your plants, you will save money in maintenance costs, and you will save money in having to replace plants that succumb to disease or other problems associated with poor care. Caring for your plants is not only good for the plants, but it is also good for you. You can get good exercise, escape from the stale air of your home, and get a little bit closer to nature. Not only do these things have positive physical benefits, but they have mental and emotional benefits as well. When you care for your plants you are saving money, helping your over all well being, and preserving a beautiful landscape.

Keeping your soil in good condition is essential for the care of your plants, whether the plants are part of the lawn, or whether they are trees or flowers. Having good soil is essential, as good soil provides nutrients to the plants and also offers moisture, as good soil preserves water and can act as a reservoir of moisture. Keeping your soil healthy is the beginning of caring for your plants. You can keep the soil healthy in a number of ways. Check the acid and alkali contents and make sure that they remain at levels that are good for your plants.

Also, it is a good idea to add organic material to your soil at least once a year. Using organic mulch is a good way to keep your soil in good shape. In shrub and flowerbeds, and around trees, wood chips can help the soil retain moisture and they will break own and provide nutrients as well. Reducing compaction is also important, as it allows air down into the soil and frees up room for beneficial organisms like earthworms. There is also more room for the roots to grow (any kind of roots — grass, tree, flower, etc.), giving them a firmer foundation and better health. Annual aeration will help your grass and the trees and shrubs that you have planted on your lawn. Turning the soil each year and adding special potting soil to the garden and flowerbeds at fall planting can also help.

Efficient watering techniques are also very helpful with plant care. These techniques include things like watering deeply and not terribly often. For the most part, people water their lawns too frequently. This keeps the roots shallow (shallow roots mean less healthy grass) and much of the water either runs off or evaporates. Watering in the early morning (before 10) and in the evening (after 6) can reduce losses to evaporation and increase the amount of water that is actually absorbed into the soil. When watering flowerbeds and trees and shrubs, make sure that rather than simply letting a sprinkler run, you take care to use the hose to water deeply. For established plants, there is no need to water more than once a week. Even the lawn does not need to be watered more than once or twice a week. This type of watering schedule forces the roots to go deeper into the soil, looking for moisture and creating healthier plants that are more tolerant of drought conditions.

Other good care practices include pruning woody plants and inspecting for pests and diseases. Not only does this help with the health of the plants, but it also contributes to their attractiveness. You can help your plants look fuller (especially evergreen shrubs) by pruning yearly. Blossoming plants also benefit from such care, as they will have more blooms when properly pruned. Additionally, when you inspect regularly for pests and diseases, you can catch problems before they get out of hand. You can properly treat the issue as needed, and save time and money in replacing the plants later.

While many people make use of fertilizers, pesticides, and weed killers, these are not necessarily essential for good plant care. It is true that these chemicals can contribute to the health and the look of your landscape, but if they are used improperly they can also cause damage. Make sure that you carefully read the instructions in full before applying any such product. Then, make sure you fallow the directions exactly. Too much of these chemicals can actually harm your plants.

About The Author

Janeth Duque of Geeks On Steroids. Janeth is well-known in the world of web design and search engine optimization.

Web Site: Geeks on Steroids

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Feng Shui In The Home

by: Andrew Jones

The Feng Shui masters have provided you with the technical know-how for evaluating your home. Implementing the Feng Shui Design - and cures in your home has a profound effect on your life. Based on the ancient knowledge and practices, Feng Shui - is a spiritual way of life that helps you to imbibe the positive forces of the universe. All the spiritual principles of the Feng Shui also have a strong scientific foundation underlying it.

When you first start looking around spaces in your home you would not be in a position to decide what changes to make, or there can be many areas that you might wish to change; especially if you live in a larger house. But when you let Feng Shui in the home it only tells you where to start, it also tells you the significance of doing so. Bringing Feng Shui in the home design is just not about making physical changes, it is about giving significance to each and every object in your home so that it has positive effect (or positive Chi as it is called in Feng Shui) that particular space, your home and off course your life.

A Feng Shui house is a house where all the objects are in perfect harmony to each other whether we talk about the Feng Shui Elements contained in them or the particular colors that have been used to enhance the space. The Feng Shui is about balancing energies, of animate with inanimate and that of the soul with that of the universe, so that you get the positive energies of the universe flowing through the entire spaces in your house.

Believe it or not, every single household or decorative object in your home is just as imbued with life energy as the natural wonders beyond your front door and it has a scientific basis for it.

Bringing Feng Shui in the home does not ask you to throw out all your furniture, renovate your home, or move to new living quarters as you may have perceived the Feng Shui would lead you to. In quintessence to The Spiritual Feng Shui such upheaval could actually create turmoil rather than correcting imbalanced energies. Similarly trying to fix everything at once is a recipe for confusion and chaos, because in that case you will be throwing the relationships between objects out of whack.

Remember, Feng Shui is all about the connections and energy flow between objects and people, so proceed gradually, in stages, testing out how each small change influences the Chi of the space. Before practicing Feng Shui in your home try to understand its principles, its essence and most importantly its spiritual nature; then and only then you can envision and bring about the specific changes in the objects, environment and quality of life that you desire.

Each area of your life (health, reputation, family, travel, and so on) is strongly associated with various parts of your home. These associations may be determined using the bagua map.

The beauty of Feng Shui is that it suddenly makes visible to us all these things in our home or home design that we have been living with for years, and that have gone unnoticed. We tend to get tunnel vision, so that we are accustomed to our way of life and don’t see how it could be any different. But when we view our homes through the lens of Feng Shui, we begin to see the ways in which our surroundings, different objects or the clutter in our house are placing a burden on our spirits. The Feng Shui helps us to be able to identify and pinpoint specific areas in our home that have been letting us down. The spiritual Feng Shui opens our spirit to the whole universe and we learn to recognize elements that have remained invisible to us for so long.

A Feng Shui house is a house where any change that you make, any cure you introduce into your home or home design is a conscious and deliberate (and well thought out) action that you have taken specifically with the intent of improving your life. It is important know that Feng Shui in home works only when the practitioner puts full mindfulness into each task along the way. A careful Feng Shui Study -

Before making any changes in the home design the Feng Shui beginners have to first know about the various Feng Shui Elements -, Feng Shui Color - and then start practicing Feng Shui in the home design.

When you get the insight into what is Feng Shui - you are able to balance the negative energies of the elements that may be present in the objects of your home with using Feng Shui in home design. Similarly practicing Feng Shui in home using color and other enhancement allows the positive Chi to flow through your home and let you have a better and happier life.

About The Author

Andrew Jones is an expert author on Feng Shui related topics. For Details visit Feng Shui in the home :

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How A Filterless Air Purifier Works

by: Ken Morris

If you watch television late at night, you are probably familiar with a filterless air purifier called the Ionic Breeze. These systems have benefits and drawbacks. Lately, there has been some controversy over their safety. Some consider them to be unsafe, while others swear by the results.

How a Filterless Air Purifiers Work

A filterless purifier works by giving the incoming air an electrostatic charge. This charge also charges particles in the air. The air is then moved past an oppositely charged collection grid. The impurities in the air are attracted to the grid, like a magnet. The grid must be removed periodically and cleaned of the impurities. This is easily done with a damp cloth. Once the grid is completely dry, replace it and turn the machine back on. These systems can be installed on a forced air heating system to treat the whole house, or can be purchased in portable units.

This process creates ozone in the air. If you have been outside after a thunderstorm, you have smelled natural ozone in the air. These systems clean the air the way nature cleans the outdoor air.

However, some feel the ozone that is created can be a health hazard, particularly if it is highly concentrated. If you are using a portable air cleaner, be sure it isn’t too big for the room in which it is being used. The square footage is listed on the box and in the owner’s manual. Another option is to run it for a while and then turn it off before using the room.

Benefits of a Filterless Air Purifier

There are no filters to change with this type of purification system. Replacement filters can be expensive and not having one saves money in the long run.

They use a collection grid to collect impurities, rather than a filter. The impurities stick to the grid and are wiped off with a damp cloth. Once the grid is clean and dry, place it back in the machine and turn it on.

The filtration process leaves a fresh smsell in the air that many people find vitalizing. You won’t need to use air fresheners with these systems.

They are nearly silent when running. This is great for night time use. Some air purification systems can be very noisy and may need to be turned off at night.

Drawbacks of Filterless Air Purifiers

The safety of these filtration systems was called into question a few years ago when Consumer Reports gave the Ionic Breeze a bad review and called it hazardous. The reason is the ozone that is a by product of the purification process. Ozone is a pollutant and can be irritating to people with asthma or other respiratory disorders. Sharper Image responded by adding a component called “Ozone Guard” which is said to convert most of the ozone into oxygen. On a later review, Consumer Reports still gave the machine low marks, but said the ozone output is now in acceptable levels.

These systems are more expensive than other air purifiers. However, when you add in the cost of replacement filters, this price difference diminishes over time.

The collection grid must be cleaned frequently. If it isn’t clean, it won’t work. The frequency depends on the number of impurities in the air. Homes with pets, smokers, a lot of dust, etc, will need more frequent cleaning.

About The Author

Ken Morris releases many articles for Amongst his works he is featuring and air cleaner.

Improving your home and your life only at Home Improvement Idea :

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Repair Holes in Drywall for Home Improvement

Improving your home and your life only at Home Improvement Idea :

Water Damage in the Kitchen

by: Terry Allen

The kitchen is often neglected even though it is often cleaned and warning signs of excess moisture and impending water damage are overlooked. Inspecting the following moisture sources will help in preventing damage where it is likely to happen


The area behind the refrigerator is hardly ever inspected because it is relatively hard to reach. Inspecting this area will reduce the chance for water problems. water behind the refrigerator is a sign. Do not ignore it, fix immediately or hire an appliance technician. If you detect mold growth, clean it immediately. Locate the moisture and fix it. If you have an icemaker, check the hose to make sure it is sealed and attached to the water supply.

Sink and Countertop

The sink and countertop are highly watered areas in the house. Check regularly under the sink and remove the trash can and other stored items to search for leaks. A drip in the trap under the sink means drain problems and must be repaired fast. Look around the sink, slow draining pipes indicate a blocked drain. A dripping faucet must me repaired promptly. Pay attention to the countertop. If tiles are cracked or grout is missing, fix it to prevent water from pervading. Stained walls and floors around pipes indicate an internal leak that must be fixed to prevent additional damage.


If the dishwasher doesn’t empty after use, the main filter may be blocked and must be released promptly. When the sink overflows, it is usually due to back-ups. This problem usually occurs when the drain line is clogged. Clean the drain line regularly. Look under the base of the dishwasher for leaks. If you find any leaks, there could be an unsealed joint or a damaged hose. Check the connection and fix as needed. Check the dishwasher hose under the sink for signs of leakage and fix if necessary. Consider installing steel-braided hoses on appliances such as the dishwasher.

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About The Author

Terry Allen is an editorial staff member of RestorationSOS™, a leading restoration services provider for water and fire damages.

To learn more about water and fire damage restoration, visit

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Your Home Protective Coatings

by: Jeff Martin

There are several areas of your home that suffer from extensive damage, whether it is due to poor weather, physical damage or simply because of old age. Protective coatings are a great way to help these areas remain durable and resistant against negative elements. One of the most delicate surfaces around your home is the driveway and garage floor. You can use some tough protective coatings to protect such spaces – simply brush or roll the coating in an easy but effective action that will protect your driveway from all sorts of damage. For concrete floors, choose a high quality epoxy coating – this is an excellent addition to the floor’s structure because it soaks in and becomes part of the concrete matrix. High chemical and fuel resistance also recommends such coatings for garages and workshops. Most top grade protective coatings are engineered to self level and have different characteristics such as being resistant to chemicals, spilled fuel, brake fluid and acids, is impact resistant to 500 PSI, heat resistant to 350 + degrees, color-fast, non-chalking and resists cracking, chipping and peeling.

Due to recent advancements, several top class products appeared on the protective coatings market. Choosing a silicone based epoxy ester single component epoxy product, for example, will guarantee excellent resistance and unsurpassed flexibility, two very desirable elements of any coating system. Such products are reinforced with alkyd and urethane, two special components that augment the qualities of the protective coating. The interesting thing about such a waterproof floor coating is that it is the same product used on aircraft carriers. This means that, originally, it was designed to withstand extreme damage, such as jet fighter landings and take offs, fuel leaks, flaming jet exhausts and so on. Imagine how resistant such a protective coating would be on your driveway!

Epoxy coatings are also used in protecting other materials, such as wood, concrete, metal, fiberglass… and the list goes on. Not only do they do their job with military precision, these epoxy coatings are also lead-free, making them safe for the environment. When they dry, the protective coatings are completely harmless and non-toxic, so you don’t have to worry about your pets or children. You can top the coating with a clear finish, especially if you purchase one with UV inhibitors that guarantee a long life. Such a finish would make the protected surface look even better than it originally did, plus with the extra protection it brings. When properly applied, such protective coatings do not chip or break and most good manufacturers and retailers offer guarantees that extend up to 5 years.

About The Author

Jeff Martin writes articles for many well known newspapers and is currently writing a book that is set to be released at the end of March 2006.

Improving your home and your life only at Home Improvement Idea :

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